To be sure, many mainstream analysts, including Pulitzer-winning columnist and former psychiatrist Charles Krauthammer, have repeatedly pointed to Obama’s extreme narcissism. Regardless of the “diagnosis,” one thing is certain: We’re talking about a person who absolutely does not consider serial lying to be in any way immoral or problematic.
Exclusive: David Kupelian uncovers what's really behind BHO's astonishing dishonesty
When Obama says he "can't" pardon
@Snowden he is not telling the truth
and knows he is not telling the truth
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) 20 ноября 2016 г.
Demasiadas personas dicen que Obama miente, tambien lo contradice las encuestas de opinión, los expertos en economía, además, los hechos hablan más que mil palabras...
President Obama has staked a great part of his legacy on the idea that he skillfully engineered a great recovery from the financial crisis. The Obama-friendly media routinely parrot the idea. But in fact, as a shocking new study from the nonpartisan U.S. Council on Competitiveness and the Gallup organization suggests, the so-called recovery doesn't exist.
As recently as Oct. 11, less than a month before the election, the online publication The Hill ran this headline: "Obama's economic legacy ensures Democrats decades of success." No kidding. But it's a bit unfair to single them out: Others have run with similar themes. The point is, it's not true.
¿Qué les parece?
No sólo mintieron sobre la recuperación económica, tambien nos mienten sobre la intervención de Rusia en las
elecciones, lo sostienen con pruebas inexistentes.
Con razón a Hillary también se le posó
una mosca en la cara en uno de los debates...
una mosca en la cara en uno de los debates...
¿Quiere saber la verdad sobre la economía
bajo la administración Obama?
bajo la administración Obama?
Informe de la Encuesta Gallup
Pero hay más...
La verdad se palpó en la calle, la gente y Donald Trump lo sabían,
también él ha experimentado la calle con sus negocios alrededor del mundo. La
infraestructura de los Estados Unidos está deteriorada, el mercado está debil y
los bancos lo saben, por eso no prestan.
El estadounidense promedio no gana lo suficiente para
tener todas las comodidades que quiere, ni trabaja en lo que quiere, sino en lo
que aparezca, muchos hasta tienen dos o tres trabajos, sobretodo los
Las reacciones de la bolsa de valores luego de Trump ganar
la presidencia, es prueba suficiente de que con Obama no había confianza en la
China e India fueron los que se beneficiaron con la
Globalización, idea de Bill Clinton...
China Has Benefited the Most From Globalization
In August 2016, I quoted the results of a study published by former World Bank senior economist Branko Milanovic and Yale University political science professor John E. Roemer. It states that two developing countries, China and India, are experiencing rapid economic growth under the trend of globalization, while in developed countries the gap between rich and poor has widened. The study leads to the dire conclusion that, although globalization will inevitably lead to the rise of the world’s overall income and the narrowing of the global income gap, it has worsened inequality in developed countries. In developed countries, globalization may therefore be perceived as creating a more unequal world.
Another study by Justin Pierce, an economist at the Federal Reserve, and Peter Schott, professor at Yale School of Management, concluded that since the United States gave China permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) status in 2000, half of the jobs lost in the U.S. manufacturing industry can be attributed to the increase of imports from China. In addition, suicide and related causes of death were significantly higher in the areas more heavily affected by PNTR. An unemployment increase of just 1 percent resulted in an 11 percent increase in suicide rate. White males were hardest hit as they are more likely to be engaged in the manufacturing sector than other groups, the report indicated.
Why China Cannot Lead Globalization in a Post-Trump World
By He Qinglian - December 6, 2016
Nos mintieron y nos siguen mintiendo...
US News WikiLeaks ‘Operative’ Craig Murray Says Clinton Emails Came From Democratic Source, Not Russians
By Jack Phillips, Epoch Times - December 15, 2016
A former British ambassador to Uzbekistan who is close to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told the Daily Mail that Russia didn’t leak emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic staffers to the anti-secrecy organization.
Craig Murray, who describes himself now as a WikiLeaks operative, told the tabloid that he flew to Washington, D.C. to receive files from a source, whom he described as a Democratic Party whistleblower. He said that there were no hacks involved, as has been claimed by CIA sources in several new media reports—namely one from Washington Post that claimed Russia-backed hackers swayed the election in Donald Trump’s favor over Hillary Clinton.
“Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,” said Murray on Tuesday. “The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.”...
He said the emails were given to the anti-secrecy organization via Americans who had access to the information through legitimate channels.
The leakers, he added, were pushed to release the emails out of “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.”
In the emails, it was revealed that the DNC attempted to push out Sen. Sanders in favor of Clinton during the Democratic primary, which lead to the resignation of its then-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, right before the convention.
Murray claimed he received a package from a source during a clandestine drop-off near American University located at a wooded area in Washington, D.C. The person he received the information from was an intermediary, not the person who first acquired the emails.
¿Qué les parece?
Para quien no lo sepa The Epoch Times es un periódico
disidente chino que circula en papel en principales ciudades como Nueva York y
en todo el mundo a través de internet, en varios idiomas, con la misión de
publicar sólo la verdad y desmentir al bloque comunista de China y todos los
demás países que son sus aliados. Eso para mí es muy importante porque también
han publicado información veraz sobre la campaña política en los Estados
Y la pregunta es ¿qué ha pasado con las investigaciones
sobre los muertos relacionados al matrimonio Clinton?
Cabe destacar: WikiLeaks is offering a $20,000 reward for
information leading to the arrest of Rich’s killer.
El único vínculo que yo he detectado entre Assange y Rusia
es, que éste le pidió a Putin que recibiera a Snowden y lo publica El New
York Times...
In fact, worried that he would be seen as a spy, Mr. Snowden had hoped merely to pass through Russia on his way to South America, Mr. Assange later recounted, a plan he had not fully endorsed. Russia, he believed, could best protect Mr. Snowden from a C.I.A. kidnapping, or worse.
“Now I thought, and in fact advised Edward Snowden, that he would be safest in Moscow,” Mr. Assange told the news program Democracy Now.
CIA kidnapping?
¿Para quién trabaja la CIA?
¿Para los estadounidenses o para Hillary-Obama?
Pero eso no es todo, en este informe del NYT, el Sr. Assange
acusa a Hillary de crear histeria macartista...
Among United States officials, the emerging consensus is that Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks probably have no direct ties to Russian intelligence services. But they say that, at least in the case of the Democrats’ emails, Moscow knew it had a sympathetic outlet in WikiLeaks, where intermediaries could drop pilfered documents in the group’s anonymized digital inbox.
In an interview on Wednesday with The Times, Mr. Assange said Mrs. Clinton and the Democrats were “whipping up a neo-McCarthyist hysteria about Russia.” There is “no concrete evidence” that what WikiLeaks publishes comes from intelligence agencies, he said, even as he indicated that he would happily accept such material.
¿Qué pretende Obama, Hillary y la liberal media?
¿Crear histeria contra los republicanos? Of course!
Además, evitar que Trump asuma la presidencia,
deslegitimizando las elecciones insinuando un fraude que a todas luces se
percibe por los recuentos promovidos por jill Stein, que quien cometió fraude
electoral fueron los demócratas con la intención de mantenerse en el poder.
¿No es eso atentar contra la democracia americana? No lo dude ni un segundo.
También, desviar la atención sobre el caos que deja Obama en
sus ocho años de presidencia. Una nación dividida, sin crecimiento económico y
una política exterior cuyo saldo es refugiados, guerra religiosa de yihadistas
musulmanes, crímenes de guerra, de lesa humanidad, violación de derechos
humanos y civiles, e invasión de inmigrantes en Europa y Estados Unidos.
¿Táctica socialista? Claro que sí.
En la sociedad burguesa, la socialdemocracia, por su propia
naturaleza está destinada a desempeñar el papel de un partido de oposición,
ella no puede acceder a gobierno más que sobre las ruinas del Estado burgués.
Rosa Luxemburgo
Una cuestión de táctica
Había que destruir el estado burgués yanqui, para establecer
la social-democracia, esa fue la táctica de Barack Obama, pero no le salió bien
del todo, con lo que no contó fue que se postularía, un burgués de New York a
la presidencia y éste se convirtió en el nuevo líder populista de derecha más
importante del siglo XXI, Donald Trump.
Porque quien mejor que un populista de
derecha para combatir el populismo zurdo de Obama, esa es su criatura.
Por eso es que
están histéricos, sí, debe haber una investigación congresional, pero sobre
todo lo aquí planteado, a ver quien realmente es el que miente, sería lo más
justo para que el pueblo americano conozca la verdad.
Such is Life!