En una era histórica en que el “soft power” (poder blando)
empieza a desplazar al “hard power” (poder duro), una autoridad política con el
ascendiente moral del Papa Francisco está destinada a erigirse en una
referencia insoslayable del tablero mundial.
¿Nuevo liderazgo del Papa Francisco en el mundo?
septiembre 19, 2013
Soft power?
¿En serio?
Hace tiempo que estoy tratando de descifrar la estrategia del Papa Francisco para defender el cristianismo y su feligresía católica que está siendo amenazada por dictaduras, asesinada por los yihadistas y hasta están quemando iglesias en Africa, me decepciona grandemente su nuevo paradigma.
Esto es lo que hay...
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Fotos cortesía de Islam Exposed |
“Wow. The same week that Obama gives the imprimatur of
legitimacy to the Islamic rogue regime of Iran and sanctions their nuclear
weapons program, he closes the American embassy to the Vatican.
Closing the Vatican, opening Iran. If there was a jihadi in
the White House, what would he be doing differently?”
Islam exposed (The Truth about Islam)
¿Qué les parece?
¿no le preocupa que las relaciones
diplomáticas con los Estados Unidos afecten la tranquilidad de los cristianos
católicos del mundo y del Vaticano ante la amenaza del Islam?
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Promoción encontrada en la web por el FBI ¿Qué les parece? |
¿De qué lado está el gobierno de los Estados Unidos?
¿Del lado de los musulmanes dirigidos por Irán y su Ayatola
o del lado de los cristianos católicos del mundo dirigidos por el Vaticano?
¿Está el “intelligent power” de los Estados Unidos surtiendo
el efecto que se espera frente al “hard power” del Islamismo?
¡Esas son las preguntas!
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Really? |
"Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories,
which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably
succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world,"
Pope Francis Rips 'Trickle-Down' Economics
Tuesday, 26 Nov 2013 05:44 PM
By Cathy Burke
¿Ser rico es malo como decía Hugo Chávez?
¿Cómo van a salir de pobre los pobres del mundo?
¿Quiénes son los que le dan oportunidades de estudio y
trabajo a los pobres?
Me gustaría que el Papa Francisco me lo contestara como si
tuviera cinco años.
But as the time passed and the lust to procure more wealth
and women became very acute in the soldiers of Allah, Muslim rulers became
worried, and feared loss of control over them, if they took no action to check
their overflowing passion. Finding a solution to their problem in prayer, they
raised its number to five; prescribed recitation from the Qur’an as well as
various movements and gestures in order to prevent their minds from thinking
about the non-Muslims’ wealth and women for a number of hours of each day.
This was like the indoctrination that the dictators of our
time have used to keep their military under control. Muslim rulers succeeded in
their attempt and eventually, the daily five prayers became an integral part of
the Muslims’ lives. In the hope of pleasing Allah, they not only waste a
colossal amount of their valuable time, they also put off their important
duties in order to perform their prayers, thereby greatly harming their own and
their nations’ economic well being. The sooner Muslims realize this fact the
better it would be for them as well as for the rest of the world.
Mohammad Asghar
¿Es rezando que se sale de pobre?
¿Es el Papa Francisco un ecuménico jesuita naive?
Yo creo que sí.
El documento del papa argentino rezuma energía, apuesta
fuerte por el ecumenismo y asegura que “el verdadero islam y una adecuada
interpretación del Corán se oponen a toda violencia” y pide humildemente el
cese de la persecución de los cristianos.
Dirige una mirada “muy especial” al pueblo judío: “El
diálogo y la amistad con los hijos de Israel son parte de la vida” de los
católicos, pues “los hijos de Israel son parte de la vida de los discípulos de
27 de noviembre de 2013
Francisco cambia el paradigma
Con ‘La alegría del Evangelio’, el papa busca una Iglesia
abierta y de acción contra la pobreza
¿Adecuada interpretación del Corán?
¿pide humildemente el cese de la persecución de los
¡Oígame no los persiguen, LOS ASESINAN Y QUEMAN LAS
¿O es que el Papa no ve las noticias?
Athens, November 22, 2013
Cases of vandalism in churches of Heraklion and graffiti in
Arabic left by criminals, which have become more frequent, are causing the
authorities and the Archdiocese of Crete serious concern, reports Sedmitza.ru,
citing the Greek agency Romphea.
Another crime of this kind has been committed in a very
small church of St. Marina not far from the village of Avgenika.
As it was in the previous cases, the criminals or criminal
acted in the same way. The icons inside the church were removed from the walls,
stacked on the altar, then doused with an inflammable liquid and set on fire,
reports the Patris newspaper.
¿Musulmán o “infidel”?
FP: This is founded on the war that Islam teaches Muslims
must wage on unbelievers.
Asghar: Yes. As we all know, Islam has divided the earth
into two camps: Darul Islam and Darul Harb i.e. the Muslim world and the
non-Muslim world. Since the Muslims are Allah’s foot soldiers and they are
required to fulfill His plan, as it is enunciated in the Qur’an, for earth and
mankind, the Muslims must not only recover the land that the non-Muslims occupy
today, they are also required to force them into Islam or kill them, if they
refuse to become Muslims (see the Qur’an; 9:29). It is, in fact, “a notable
declaration of State policy promulgated {by Allah} about the month of Shawwal.
A. H. 9, and read out by Hadhrat Ali at the Pilgrimage two months later in
order to give the policy the widest publicity possible. …” (Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
The Holy Quran, as corrected by the King of Saudi Arabia, p. 494).
This teaching of the Qur’an effectively and automatically
turns the Muslims against the Christians; the former having also been told by
it not to take the latter as their friends or protectors, as they (the
Christians) and the Jews are friends of each other and, thus, both of them are
in collusion against the Muslim Umma (Nation) and their religion.
Apart from the Jews and the Christians, the Muslims also
hate the Pagans {Mushrikun in Arabic) from the core of their hearts, as they,
according to the Qur’an, are unclean (see the Qur’an; 9:28), and, thus,
unworthy of living on Allah’s earth. Therefore, the Muslims must kill them
whenever they get the chance to fulfill the instruction Allah gave them through
the Qur’an (see verse 9:5). This is a very dangerous instruction, and it is not
at all good for those inhabitants of the earth, who worship deities other than
This and other truths about Islam, therefore, must be
brought to the notice of the non-Muslim communities of the world in order to
prepare them against the deadly hazards that Islam is likely to put them in,
when its followers becomes, in future, a dominant force on earth. Paying keen
attention to what is written in the Qur’an is not only in the best interest of
the present-day non-Muslims of the world, it would also help them protect their
descendants from the Allah-inspired wrath of the Muslims in days to come.
Leaving Islam by Mohammad Asghar
November 27, 2013
First appeared on Frontpage Magazine in 2008
¿No conoce el Papa Francisco la verdad sobre el Islam?
En esta misma entrevista este ex-musulmán cita el Corán y
comenta lo siguiente...
2:223: “Your wives are as a tilth unto you: so approach your
tilth when or how ye will: but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and
fear Allah, and know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter) and give
(these) good tidings to those who believe.”
By telling the Muslim men that they can engage their wives in
sexual acts “when or how ye will,” Allah effectively permitted them to rape
their wives, for this verse of the Qur’an does not require them either to
obtain their wives’ consent, or to engage themselves in foreplays, without
which, both men and women can hardly have what is known as consensual sex. To
Allah, Muslim men doing “some good act for their souls beforehand” i.e. saying
prayer to Him before raping their wives is what He considered to be a pious act
that will help Him exonerate them from the crime of rape on the Day of
¿No va a defender el Papa lo que los musulmanes le hacen a
sus mujeres?
¿No va a defender el Papa Francisco lo que los musulmanes le
hacen a los niños?
Porque esto no son hechos aislados. ¿O es que su formación
socialista y jesuíta le impide defender los derechos humanos contra estos
charlatanes que se escudan en una falsa religión donde el Corán los instruye a
matar cristianos y por el contrario se presta para condenar lo que hacen los
ricos de los países del primer mundo con el dinero que se ganan en el
capitalismo, estudiando y trabajando para tener una vida digna y su derecho a
la búsqueda de la felicidad con su familia en una sociedad de paz.
Islamophobia or infidelphobia?
That’s the question Pope Francis?
“Tomemos una posición real frente a la cristofobia que
infecta el mundo musulmán”
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
La “guerra musulmana contra los cristianos”, en Newsweek
Los cristianos están sufriendo una persecución sin
precedentes en el mundo islámico a causa de sus creencias. Lo cuenta Ayaan
Hirsi Ali, que recibió recientemente el premio alemán de periodismo Axel
Springer, en la revista norteamericana Newsweek.
El saudí,
Mohammed Jamil Kutbi, escribió que los árabes y los musulmanes que se creen
moralmente superiores a Occidente,
no están justificados.
Papa Francisco, estudiese mejor el Islam porque me parece que lo que sabe
del Islam y el Corán es bien insuficiente. Al parecer está llevando a la
Iglesia Católica al mismo error que cometió en la Segunda Guerra Mundial
amamantando a dictadores y terroristas como Hitler, Mussolini y Franco entre
¿Por ignorancia?
¿Para “llevar la fiesta en paz”?
Vaya usted a saber.
No pretenda ser políticamente correcto con su teoría de
“soft power” porque en el siglo XXI hay que llamar las cosas por su nombre y
cantarlas como son realmente, para que la gente entienda y eso, en mi opinión,
es el “intelligent power”.
Such is Life!