jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

John McCain le canta las verdades a Vladimir Putin

El presidente Putin no cree... en ustedes. No cree que la naturaleza humana en libertad pueda superar sus debilidades y construir sociedades justas, pacíficas y prósperas. O, por lo menos, no cree que los rusos puedan. Por eso gobierna usando esas debilidades, con corrupción, represión y violencia. Por eso gobierna para sí mismo, no para ustedes”
John McCain.
McCain critica a Putin en editorial para Pravda

Y las reacciones no se hicieron esperar, los que piensan como McCain y los que se picaron...

“I think if I were in the U.S. I'd be a Republican”
said Oleg Kozyrev, a media analyst and opposition blogger.

“We lead an independent political system and I hope we will in the future. That, of course, bothers some people.”
Vladimir Putin

Russians React To John McCain's Pravda.ru Op-Ed

¿Qué les parece?

A mí me parece que esto se está poniendo muy interesante y los republicanos están poniendo en su justa perspectiva la política exterior de los Estados Unidos.

Barack Obama otra vez queda en ridículo y su premio Nobel de la Paz fue un chiste de mal gusto para las miles de víctimas cristianas que han sido asesinadas en su madre patria, Africa, invadida por yihadistas musulmanes de Al Qaeda y que él hace alianzas con la Hermandad Musulmana que hasta tiene representantes en los Estados Unidos. Ahora Putin pretende dictarle pautas a los estadounidenses y Obama le ríe las gracias.

En cuatro años hemos visto dictadores sanguinarios que han sido derrocados en una Primavera Árabe que todavía no termina; y que la Rusia de Putin ha sido piedra de tropiezo para lograr esa justicia y paz que el pueblo árabe quiere, por tener el poder absoluto de la región junto con Irán y Corea del Norte.

En Benghazi asesinaron a cuatro americanos entre ellos el Embajador y NADIE ha hecho nada por encontrar a los responsables de este acto terrorista y Obama trata de empastelar este asunto junto con la exsecretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton.

Vladimir Putin se proyecta mundialmente como el que tiene la sartén por el mango en su política exterior, muy pensada y analizada por cierto,  mientras los Estados Unidos tiene una lucha interna propiciada por el mismo presidente que se autoproclamo “anti-war” y ahora pretende que lo apoyen en una estrategia forzada para limpiar su imagen y que nadie le cree porque los rebeldes árabes están mezclados con terroristas.

Soy de las que pienso que quien habla con la verdad siempre se proyectará transparente, pero el que dice una cosa y actua de otra a la larga se descubrirá su doble juego y eso es lo que le está explotando en la cara al presidente de Estados Unidos. Los que lo apoyaban en el 2008 y que son enemigos reconocidos de los Estados Unidos ahora le están comiendo los dulces... otra vez la frase que muy bien le aplica a Obama en estos momentos, cuando el enemigo te quiere, preocúpate.

¿Lograrán los enemigos de los Estados Unidos poner a esa nación de rodillas como pretenden?

Eso está por verse, podrán atacarlo con terrorismo, podrán sabotear su economía, pero el pueblo americano en algún momento se levantará y luchará por lo que cree para su nación y para el mundo, no lo subestimen. Un mal presidente estadounidense no dura toda la vida y a Obama le quedan tres años para pasar a la historia, sin retorno. Esa es la maravilla del sistema republicano federal.

Aquí la columna de John McCain para el récord...

Senator John McCain: Russians deserve better than Putin

When Pravda.ru editor, Dmitry Sudakov, offered to publish my commentary, he referred to me as "an active anti-Russian politician for many years." I'm sure that isn't the first time Russians have heard me characterized as their antagonist. Since my purpose here is to dispel falsehoods used by Russia's rulers to perpetuate their power and excuse their corruption, let me begin with that untruth. I am not anti-Russian. I am pro-Russian, more pro-Russian than the regime that misrules you today.

I make that claim because I respect your dignity and your right to self-determination. I believe you should live according to the dictates of your conscience, not your government. I believe you deserve the opportunity to improve your lives in an economy that is built to last and benefits the many, not just the powerful few. You should be governed by a rule of law that is clear, consistently and impartially enforced and just. I make that claim because I believe the Russian people, no less than Americans, are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

A Russian citizen could not publish a testament like the one I just offered. President Putin and his associates do not believe in these values. They don't respect your dignity or accept your authority over them. They punish dissent and imprison opponents. They rig your elections. They control your media. They harass, threaten, and banish organizations that defend your right to self-governance. To perpetuate their power they foster rampant corruption in your courts and your economy and terrorize and even assassinate journalists who try to expose their corruption.

They write laws to codify bigotry against people whose sexual orientation they condemn. They throw the members of a punk rock band in jail for the crime of being provocative and vulgar and for having the audacity to protest President Putin's rule.

Conoce la historia de Sergei

Sergei Magnistky wasn't a human rights activist. He was an accountant at a Moscow law firm. He was an ordinary Russian who did an extraordinary thing. He exposed one of the largest state thefts of private assets in Russian history. He cared about the rule of law and believed no one should be above it. For his beliefs and his courage, he was held in Butyrka prison without trial, where he was beaten, became ill and died. After his death, he was given a show trial reminiscent of the Stalin-era and was, of course, found guilty. That wasn't only a crime against Sergei Magnitsky. It was a crime against the Russian people and your right to an honest government - a government worthy of Sergei Magnistky and of you.

Newt Gingrich en CNN hizo lo propio
¿Y Obama qué tiene que decir?
President Putin claims his purpose is to restore Russia to greatness at home and among the nations of the world. But by what measure has he restored your greatness? He has given you an economy that is based almost entirely on a few natural resources that will rise and fall with those commodities. Its riches will not last. And, while they do, they will be mostly in the possession of the corrupt and powerful few. Capital is fleeing Russia, which - lacking rule of law and a broad-based economy - is considered too risky for investment and entrepreneurism. He has given you a political system that is sustained by corruption and repression and isn't strong enough to tolerate dissent.

How has he strengthened Russia's international stature? By allying Russia with some of the world's most offensive and threatening tyrannies. By supporting a Syrian regime that is murdering tens of thousands of its own people to remain in power and by blocking the United Nations from even condemning its atrocities. By refusing to consider the massacre of innocents, the plight of millions of refugees, the growing prospect of a conflagration that engulfs other countries in its flames an appropriate subject for the world's attention. He is not enhancing Russia's global reputation. He is destroying it. He has made her a friend to tyrants and an enemy to the oppressed, and untrusted by nations that seek to build a safer, more peaceful and prosperous world.

¿Es esto racismo o discrimen 
en contra de los pobrecitos 
musulmanes? NO, si quieren
un trato justo, no planeen para 

asesinar a los cristianos.
Las cosas como son.
President Putin doesn't believe in these values because he doesn't believe in you. He doesn't believe that human nature at liberty can rise above its weaknesses and build just, peaceful, prosperous societies. Or, at least, he doesn't believe Russians can. So he rules by using those weaknesses, by corruption, repression and violence. He rules for himself, not you.

I do believe in you. I believe in your capacity for self-government and your desire for justice and opportunity. I believe in the greatness of the Russian people, who suffered enormously and fought bravely against terrible adversity to save your nation. I believe in your right to make a civilization worthy of your dreams and sacrifices. When I criticize your government, it is not because I am anti-Russian. It is because I believe you deserve a government that believes in you and answers to you. And, I long for the day when you have it. http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/19-09-2013/125705-McCain_for_pravda_ru-0/

Y Newt Gingrich también se las cantó

¿Qué tiene que decir el Lcdo. Robert Rivera sobre el mensaje de McCain y el comentario de Newt Gingrich?
¿Es esta la nueva Rusia en que él va a invertir junto con los países comunistas totalitarios a costa de la desgracia del prójimo?
¿De qué lado está? 
Si es del lado de Putin, no hay problema, que se lo lleve pa'su casa o se mude a Rusia y viva feliz viendo al corrupto Putin maltratar a su gente y a la humanidad hasta lograr dominar al mundo?

A los comunistas no les gusta que le canten las cuarenta pero ellos se la pasan opinando y ridiculizando a los que los critican e inmiscuyéndose en donde no deben, Putin lo hizo a través del New York Times diciendo que los americanos no somos excepcionales y McCain a través de Pravda le dice a los rusos algo así como que ellos no se merecen a Putin porque son excepcionales, lo que es igual no es ventaja, vamos a ver quien al final tiene la razón y yo le apuesto a los republicanos de McCain y Gingrich y no al hijo de la gran Putin.
Such is Life!