domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Benghazi-Gate: ¿Será lo mismo que Watergate, peor o será “pase de paloma”?

Mainstream media - are those media disseminated via the largest distribution channels, which therefore represent what the majority of media consumers are likely to encounter. The term also denotes those media generally reflective of the prevailing currents of thought, influence, or activity. WIKIPEDIA

Me parece sorprendente la reacción tan tibia que han tenido los republicanos con este asunto. Fueron mucho más agresivos con Bill Clinton y su affair con la Lewinsky en la oficina oval. Con Nixon fueron implacables gracias a unos periodistas muy comprometidos en buscar la verdad.

Pero ahora es diferente, el actual presidente tiene una coraza de un buen teflón para que todo le resbale y no lo afecte, es sorprendente que un suceso tan lamentable con la seguridad de unos servidores americanos en tierras hostiles no levante la indignación de un pueblo que sabe que todo el tiempo su seguridad está en jaque.

Todavía más sorprendente es que un comentarista tan despreciado por los demócratas sea como un grano de arena en el desierto denunciando esta barbaridad. No hay duda Estados Unidos se ha convertido en Obama Nation y si los republicanos no despiertan de este letargo no ganarán las proximas elecciones de este martes. Es obvio el fanatismo que trae la izquierda, muy desapercibido por muchos.

Juzgue usted...

Rush: Benghazi Alone Is Reason To Fire Obama
Friday, 02 Nov 2012 
By Patrick Hobin

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said on Friday that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi is reason enough on own for Barack Obama to lose the election.

Whatever happens on Tuesday next week, an investigation into what took place during the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate should result in heads rolling, he added.

Limbaugh, addressing his listeners ahead of the final weekend of the presidential campaign, spoke at length about Benghazi, pointing out that mainstream media are starting to mention the attack.

“This continuing, enraging story about Benghazi — that alone is reason enough to fire Barack Obama,” Limbaugh said. “Those of you in this  country who are military families, you have served, you have worn the uniform, you have family members who have worn the uniform, if I were you, I would be outraged. I would be unable to contain myself.

"I'm already that way. It is stunning what we are continuing to learn. And it is dribbling out.

“David Ignatius is now writing columns about it in the Washington Post,” he continued. “Tom Brokaw even talked about it today on the Today Show this morning. It is dribbling out. And whatever happens on Election Day, this is gonna be investigated. This is gonna cause heads to roll. This is inexplicable. What is happening —what did happen — is inexcusable. The White House has been lying. The State Department has even been lying a couple of places.”

Limbaugh said the White House insisted for days that a YouTube video of an anti-Islamic film was responsible for the attack and pointed out
that reporting by Fox News shows that "cables from the consulate itself made clear that they expected an attack from local militia groups in the hours before the terrorist attack” and that Ambassador Chris Stevens personally sent cables in August warning the White House that Al-Qaida was rehearsing for an attack.

Stevens, Limbaugh said, “feared an attack. He wanted security. He wanted defense structure.”

Hours before the attack, cables were sent by the consulate indicating that it expected trouble and could not trust local security, Limbaugh said.

“Before this is all said and done, it's gonna leak,” Limbaugh said. “The trail is gonna go right back to the Oval Office and the Situation Room and the president and whoever was in there with him. I don't know; it's a crying shame what is happening.

“This is far more than Watergate," Limbaugh added.

Responding to a question from a caller, Limbaugh continued to tear into the Obama administration.

“They were told not to offer any defense of the consulate or the ambassador or any of the people there, he said. “To say that they were ‘told to stand down’ doesn't cut it. They were ordered to do nothing! They were ordered not to help! They were ordered not to offer a defense. And as we know now, Tyrone Woods violated orders and went anyway because that's the nature of these people.”

“We were strategically, purposefully lied to from the highest levels of the regime,” he said. © 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Me parece muy bochornoso que la prensa norteamericana trate de no darle importancia a este suceso muy peligroso para la seguridad nacional. Tanta complacencia con el presidente me confunde, ¿para que están? ¿para fiscalizar o para servir de relacionistas públicos?

Hoy más que nunca estoy convencida que los estadounidenses vivimos entre enemigos y traidores. Such is Life!