viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

La mujer en la Yihad

Mohamed said the woman involved had, "done this many times before," adding weight to the speculation that Samantha Lewthwaite, who security officials believe did travel to East Africa, and specifically Somalia, several years ago. She is wanted in Kenya for involvement in an alleged terror plot to bomb locations on Kenya's coast last year.
Samantha Lewthwaite, "White Widow" of July 7, London bomber, possibly among Kenya mall attackers?

Los otros días quedé bruta cuando vi la foto de una puertorriqueña usando el traje musulmán — que parecía una morcilla — con la bandera de Puerto Rico tapándose la cara y una bandera de la yihad que promueve Al Qaeda, para colmo con un vientre abultado que debe ser porque está preñada de un musulmán en una parada de musulmanes en Nueva York.

Ahora nos enteramos que están buscando a una mujer inglesa llamada “white widow” porque supuestamente es parte del grupo terrorista que atacó el mall en Kenia, ésta mujer se casó con un musulmán y éste se inmoló en los ataques terroristas de Londres donde también murieron seres humanos.

Y lo primero que me viene a la mente es ¿Dónde están las feministas para hablar de este escabroso tema de como los musulmanes utilizan a las mujeres para parirle hijos al Islam, para servir de “suicide bombers” y hasta para participar de ataques terroristas?

¿Es Samantha Lewthwaite una feminista musulmana? ¡NO!
¿Defiende el Islam los derechos de las mujeres? ¡NO!
Otra vez ¿Dónde están las feministas para discutir sobre este tema que le está haciendo tanto daño a las mujeres de todo el mundo que se unen a esta falsa religión?

Y no se trata de defender el feminismo, yo defiendo los derechos de las mujeres y condeno abiertamente y sin tapujos el que las mujeres en el Islam se tengan que vestir horrendamente para que ningún hombre las mire, que tengan que parir como güimas, que no puedan salir ni al balcón, que no puedan estudiar, trabajar, que tengan que casarse con quien no quieren y encima de eso que las violen o las lapiden si cometen una falta como pegarle cuernos al marido cuando los hombres se casan con todas las mujeres que pueden mantener y está permitido tener un harén. 

Yo admiro a Femen, tiene los pantalones de
desafíar a una religión machista, anacrónica y abusadora
de mujeres, que pena que algunas no se den cuenta.
Cada quien tiene derecho a vivir
como quiera sin que nadie le dicte pautas. Ninguna
religión debe imponer un estilo de vida ni privar a
nadie de sus gustos y costumbres. La religión
no es para eso, es para hacer el bien y lograr la
paz mundial respetando al prójimo y defendiendo
los derechos humanos, algo que el Islam no hace.
Para mi mentalidad de “infidel” y occidental
¿Qué carajo es esto? ¿No es esto machismo y violencia doméstica?

Yo creo que ya es hora de que las mujeres feministas y que tienen organizaciones feministas en América y en la ONU empiecen a hablar del tema y saturar los medios de comunicación porque el caso de esta mujer es digno de análisis exhaustivo.

El Islam es una religión oportunista, se aprovecha de los momentos vulnerables de los seres humanos, en este tema a las mujeres, para hacerles un “brain wash” de total sumisión a un hombre y a una religión que amamanta terroristas.

¿No es esto una ridiculez? 
Mientras los hombres usan traje de baño, shorts y visten a la moda 
¿que las mujeres se bañen en la playa hasta con guantes? Hello!

If Western feminists are not committed 
to the same struggle for Islamic women 
they are guilty of hypocrisy.
The violent Oppression of Women in Islam
Page 14
Para la que no lo sabe o les da el beneficio de la duda, 
entérese por favor.

Vamos a ver si el gas pela, porque también sabemos que los grupos feministas están relacionados a grupos políticos socialistas yanquifóbicos que simpatizan con esta gente. Las cosas como son y si me quieren desmentir, los exhorto a que publiquen en cualquier foro su lado de la moneda, todo sea por el bien de la verdad y de las mujeres.

¿Ser la viuda de un suicide bomber es motivo de orgullo
y aparecer en la portada de un periódico como
algo glorioso? ¿Hasta dónde puede llegar la
morbosidad de los medios amarillistas?
Juzgue usted...

Profile: Samantha Lewthwaite

Samantha Lewthwaite disappeared off the radar after the 7/7 bombings
She was a "shy" girl from Buckinghamshire but the name Samantha Lewthwaite is once again being linked to a global atrocity.

The media have linked her to the Kenyan shopping centre attack.

Speculation has been fuelled by the Kenyan foreign minister who has said one of the militants from the Somali-based al-Shabab group was a British woman.

And suspicion was heightened when international crime agency Interpol issued a wanted persons notice for her arrest.

But the warrant - requested by the Kenyans - relates to separate terror charges dating from 2011 and is not linked to the Nairobi siege.

There has been no confirmation of Ms Lewthwaite's involvement, either as an attacker, organiser or fundraiser. Al-Shabab has denied that any women were involved.

Whitehall officials continue to advise caution about reports linking her to the attack, says the BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner.

Her notoriety though, confirmed by the Interpol warrant, is not in doubt.

Ms Lewthwaite, 29, was first thrust into the spotlight after the 7 July bombings in London in 2005, as the widow of bomber Germaine Lindsay, who killed 26 people when he blew up a Piccadilly Line Tube train near King's Cross.

A Muslim convert dubbed the "White Widow" by much of the media, she has no terrorism record in the UK but was on the run from Kenyan Police before the Westgate attack, allegedly using a South Africa passport over suspected links to a terrorist cell that planned to bomb the country's coast.

Interpol's red notice is a recognition that she is now considered an international threat, not just someone who should be regarded as a passport fraudster, says BBC home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani.

The notice says Ms Lewthwaite is "wanted by Kenya on charges of being in possession of explosives and conspiracy to commit a felony dating back to December 2011".

Una foto familiar ¿quién podría pensar que él se inmoló
matando a inocentes en Londres y a ella ahora
 la busca la Interpol.
'Mythological figure'

After the 7 July attacks, Ms Lewthwaite condemned her husband's actions as "abhorrent", saying trips to radical mosques had "poisoned his mind".

"How these people could have turned him and poisoned his mind is dreadful," she told the Sun. "He was an innocent, naive and simple man. I suppose he must have been an ideal candidate."

But not long after the attack she disappeared.

She was known to be in Kenya and, last year, officials said she had fled to Somalia and the police were hunting a woman who used several identities, including hers.

Lewthwaite attended the Grange School in Aylesbury
BBC journalist Peter Taylor, who has just returned from Kenya where he was making a Panorama programme on al-Shabab, said there was still a lot of speculation about the group involved in the attack on the shopping centre.

However, he said: "If, as the foreign minister says, there was a British woman involved 'who had done this many times before', there is a strong possibility it may well be Samantha Lewthwaite.

"If she is dead then she would have achieved the kind of martyrdom that her husband Germaine Lindsay achieved."

He said Ms Lewthwaite had become an almost "mythological figure" and the search for her had been going on a "long time".

"At the time of the 7/7 bombings, the impression was that she disapproved and was highly critical of her husband's action," he added.

"Then she disappeared off the radar and turns up again in Kenya. It would appear she became involved with al-Shabab to fight jihad as her husband believed he was doing when he bombed the Tube."

'Follower not leader'
Ms Lewthwaite spent much of her life in the Buckinghamshire town of Aylesbury, although her very early years were spent in Northern Ireland.

Born to English soldier Andy Lewthwaite - who met and married Christine Allen while serving in Northern Ireland during the 1970s - she spent her childhood on the Whyte Acres estate in Banbridge, County Down.

Ms Lewthwaite was still at primary school when her family moved to Aylesbury, where they lived in a modest terraced house. Her parents separated in 1995.

Raj Khan, an Aylesbury councillor who has known her for decades, told the BBC she was an average girl.

A photo from a fake South African passport
alleged to belong to Samantha Lewthwaite
under an assumed name
Samantha Lewthwaite married 7/7 bomber Germaine Lindsay in 2002
"I knew her when she was a child," he said. "She was very innocent, lacking confidence, shy and very easy to get on with. She was a follower not a leader."

He said he could not imagine her being involved in the Nairobi attack.

"It takes someone sophisticated to be involved in such an international terrorist organisation," he added.

She became friendly with a local Muslim family who helped her to convert to Islam when she was a teenager.

At the Grange School in Aylesbury, the new Muslim convert stood out, according to Novid Shaid who taught there.

Hasta cara angelical tiene...
¿Cómo es posible que ahora esté
en esta situación de ser terrorista buscada
por todo el mundo?
Speaking to BBC Radio 4's The Report last year, he said: "She seemed to be really proud wearing the hijab, there was a bubbly feeling around her."

After a few years, "we noticed her wearing the full galabiya (full-length robe) which some converts tend to do when they become more serious," he said.

Ms Lewthwaite's interest in religion developed further and she enrolled in a degree course in politics and the study of religions in 2002 at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. However, she left the course after two months.

She met Jamaican-born Muslim convert Lindsay via an Islamic internet chatroom the same year and the couple married a few months later. They lived initially in Huddersfield but moved to Aylesbury in September 2003. Six months later, their first child was born. Their second child was born after the London bombings.

¿Qué beneficios le trajo a la Sra. Tzarnaev el Islam?
¿Ser la viuda de un terrorista en Boston?
Raj Khan: "If she is being radicalised to this extent where was it done? Was it in Aylesbury?"
It is thought she has since remarried and the papers say she now has either three or four children.

Her father, sister and brother also distanced themselves from Lindsay after the 7 July attacks.

"He was a good and loving husband and a brilliant father, who showed absolutely no sign of doing this atrocious crime," they said in a statement.

"We as a family had no idea of his plans and are as horrified as the rest of the world."

It is understood she has had little contact with relatives in Northern Ireland, including her 85-year-old grandmother Elizabeth Allen, since her conversion to Islam.

Malala se tuvo que ir de su país porque
la trataron de asesinar simplemente
por querer estudiar. Un tiro en la cara
le desfiguró el rostro y tuvieron que
hacerle cirugía plástica.
¿Cómo se justifica esto?
¿Por qué el Islam aparta a la gente de su familia?
¿Es el Islam una religión de respeto a las mujeres o es una religión de egoísmo machista?

He visto reportajes en los Estados Unidos sobre los nuevos convertidos al Islam. Las mujeres musulmanas ven como bueno esta religión porque viven en un país en democracia y con leyes que respetan los derechos de las mujeres. Estoy segura de que si ellas son víctimas no lo van a denunciar porque en el mundo occidental sabemos que las víctimas de violencia doméstica no denuncian a sus maridos y muchas de ellas mueren porque piensan que la situación va a cambiar para mejorar. ¿Por qué debemos pensar que en el Islam es diferente?

Qué me perdonen, pero no hay que convertirse al Islam para tener paz cuando en los países árabes a las mujeres se les maltrata y ninguna mujer musulmana en occidente se atreve a denunciar esta barbaridad. ¿Qué se los impide? 
¿No hay manera de tener paz ignorando esta barbaridad?

Yo vivo en paz espiritual y no soy musulmana. Porque yo como cristiana me siento en la plena libertad de criticar a cualquier religión o secta que atente contra los seres humanos y promueva el maltrato o discrimen contra las mujeres, mucho más si es la Iglesia Católica, critico hasta el mismo Papa y no temo que nadie me condene al fuego del infierno si lo hago como pasa con quien critica a Mahoma. 
¿Me explico?

Ahí les dejo eso, vamos a ver quien pone un pie alfrente en Puerto Rico para criticar abiertamente y sin miedo sobre este tema porque para bailar la danza del vientre en las academias de baile, el mundo femenino se prestó para aprender, usar las ropas sexys y transparentes con los charms que hacen ruido y nadie protestó porque invadía nuestra cultura. 
¿Y ahora qué? 
Such is Life!