Esa narrativa del “old men’s club” es la que permea en este gobierno de Trump y se cristalizó con la designación de Kavanaugh, ciertamente, crea cultura. Por desgracia, veremos las repercusiones en la sociedad.
Kavanaugh y las narrativas que dividieron a la nación
En blanco y negro con Sandra Rodríguez Cotto
Por: Sandra Rodríguez Cotto
Publicado: Oct 07, 2018
*La autora es relacionista profesional
¿En serio Sandra?
Llegó la cultura de Donald Trump...
“It is not a concern or focus of mine. I'm a mother and a first lady, and I have much more important things to think about and to do,”
Melania fired back before attacking the media.
“I know people like to speculate and media likes to speculate about our marriage,”
“I believe that my husband is doing an incredible job for this nation and I want the American people to have success, so whatever he will decide I will support him,” she said. “I’m enjoying it. I really love to live in Washington and in the White House. Yes, I’m enjoying it.”
Melania Trump on her husband’s alleged infidelity: ‘It is not a concern or focus of mine’
By Brian Flood | Fox News - October 12, 2018
La prensa insiste en el chisme y no en lo verdaderamente importante...
Eso nunca pasó con Michelle Obama, quien posó para innumerables portadas de revistas a pesar de que no posee la belleza para estar en una portada de moda, las cosas como son. Me podrán condenar por decir esto, pero más mezquina es la prensa izquierdosa que le ve defectos a la Sra. Trump sin tenerlos o merecerlos, la deberían respetar más, hasta por ser inmigrante, pero no, esa no es la agenda y hasta las casas de moda la rechazan o la ignoran, se lo pierden.
Para las mujeres como yo que crecieron leyendo la revista Vanidades, la Primera Dama Melania Trump es un ejemplo a seguir de elegancia, educación, empoderamiento que debe tener toda mujer. Es una lástima que la prensa la ignore completamente o la critique con saña en su viaje a Africa, que ha sido digno de una cobertura extensa si nos dejamos llevar por el ejemplo de Lady Diana en sus viajes humanitarios o de las demás reinas europeas.
Yo si me siento super orgullosa de tener una Primera Dama tan bella y elegante. Pero, esa no es la agenda de las mal llamadas feministas, su agenda es otra, condenar a Juez Kavanaugh, a Trump y a todo aquel hombre o mujer que ose hablar bien del presidente o de su esposa.
Por otro lado...

“Hablando estrictamente desde mi punto de vista, lo que Kanye dijo el otro día cuando ya no estábamos en el aire es una de las peores cosas que he escuchado en este programa, y una de las escenas más extrañas e incómodas que he presenciado. Kanye, sé que vas en plan: ‘Hey, este es mi verdadero yo, ya no tomo medicamentos’. Y yo te digo: tómalos, no hay nada de malo en ello. Tener una enfermedad mental no es excusa para comportarte como un idiota”, le dedicaba el monologuista en el capítulo de este sábado para subrayar no tanto sus discrepancias políticas como las incoherencias que se desprendían del alegato de Kanye.
Ariana Grande se suma a las críticas y burlas contra Kanye West
Se ríe de su egocentrismo
Me acordé de Mrs. K preguntando si nos habíamos tomado los medicamentos en un foro de facebook.
Vamos a Kaney West, a quien dejó sin palabras a la prensa que condena todos los días a Trump. He leído tantas barbaridades contra este artista para humillarlo que raya en el bullying, y me parece injusto porque ha hablado la realidad sobre el pueblo americano a quien administraciones demócratas dejaron en graves crisis económicas, y esa misma prensa no los condenó.
Veamos la transcripción...
Really the reason why they imprisoned him is because doing positive for the community. He started showing that he actually had power, that he wasn't just one of a monolithic voice, but he could wrap people around. So there's theories that there's infinite amounts of universe, and there's alternate universe, so it's very important for me to get Hoover out because in an alternate universe, I am him. And I have to go and get him free because he was doing positive inside of Chicago, just like how I'm moving back to Chicago and it's not just about, you know, getting on stage and being an entertainer and having a monolithic voice that's forced to be a specific party.
You know people expect that if you're black you have to be Democrat. I have -- I have conversations that basically said that welfare's the reason why a lot of black people end up being Democrat. They say, you know, first of all, it's a limit to an amount of jobs. So the fathers lose the jobs and they say we'll give you more money for having more kids in your home. And then we got rid of the mental health institutes in the ‘80s and the ‘90s and the prison rates just shot up and now you got Chiraq, what people call Chiraq, which is our murder rate is going down by 20 percent every year.
I just talked to the superintendent, met with Michael Sacks, that's Rahm's right-hand man. So I think it's the bravery that helps you beat this game called life. You know they tried to scare me to not wear this hat. My own friends. But this hat, it gives me power in a way.
You know my dad and my mom separated so I didn't have a lot of male energy in my home. And also, I'm married to a family that, you know, [laughs] not a lot of male energy going on -- it's beautiful though! But there's times where you know, there's something about -- you know, I love Hillary, I love everyone, right? But the campaign "I'm With Her" just didn't make me feel, as a guy that didn't get to see my dad all the time, like a guy that could play catch with his son. It was something about putting this hat on, it made me feel like Superman. You made a Superman. That's my favorite superhero. And you made a Superman cape for me, also as a guy that looks up to you, looks up to Ralph Lauren, looks up to American industry guys, non-political, no bulls---t -- put the beep on it, however you want to do it, five-seconds delay -- and just goes in, and gets it done!
Right now, you gave me the heart to go to Adidas. Because at Adidas, when I went in 2015, we were a $14 billion company losing $2 billion a year. Now we have a $38 billion market cap.
It's called "the Yeezy effect." And I went to Kasper, we had a meeting in Chicago, and I said, you have to bring manufacturing onshore, inshore, not even [inaudible] -- into the core. It's not about the borders, it's the core of [inaudible] and Chicago is the core of Middle America, and we have to make Middle America strong.
So I had the balls - because I had enough balls to put on this hat. I mean, this Adidas thing made me a billionaire and I could have lost $200 million walking away from that deal. But even with that, I knew it was more important for me to take the chance of walking away from that deal than to have no fathers in Chicago, with no homes, and when we do have prison reformation for no -- 'cause, it's uh, it’s habilitation, not rehabilitation, because they didn't have the abilities in the first place .
We never had anyone that taught us, they didn't teach us. Exactly, cause "we ain't have no one that taught us." Right? Ha.
So it's more important than any specific deal, anything, that we bring jobs into America and that we provide a transition with mental health and the American education curriculum that Jim has worked on, Larry Hoover also has a curriculum that he's worked on, we have Montessori curriculums that were were worked on, [inaudible] has a beautiful curriculum, the Waldorf establishment has a curriculum, we have meditation.
There's a lot of things affecting our mental health that makes us do crazy things that puts us back into that trap door called the 13th Amendment. I did say abolish with the hat on, because why would you keep something around that's a trap door? If you're building a floor, the Constitution is the base of our industry, right? Of our country, of our company.
Would you build a trap door that if you mess up, accidentally something happens, you fall and you end up next to the Unabomber? You end you -- you gotta remove all that trapdoor out of the relationship.
The four gentlemen that wrote the 13th Amendment -- and I think the way the universe works is perfect. We don't have 13 floors, do we? You know the four gentlemen that wrote the 13th Amendment didn't look like the people they were amending. Also, at that point, it was illegal for blacks to read. Or African Americans to read. So that meant if you actually read the amendment, you'd get locked up! And turned into a slave!
Again, so, what I think is we don't need sentences, we need partners. We need to talk to people. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I was connected with a neuropsychologist that works with the athletes in the NBA, the NFL, and he looked at my brain [inaudible]. I'm gonna go ahead and drop some bombs for you -- 98 percentile IQ test. I had a 75 percentile of all human beings, but it was counting eight numbers backwards [inaudible], repeating something. We're gonna work on that one. The other ones, 98 percent -- Tesla, Freud. You know.
So he said that I actually wasn't bipolar, I had sleep deprivation, which would cause dementia 10 to 20 years from now, where I wouldn't even remember my son's name. So all this power that I got and I'm taking my son to the Sox game and all, I wouldn't be able to remember his name from a misdiagnosis. And what we need is we can empower the pharmaceuticals and make more money. That's one thing, I've never stepped into a situation where I didn't make people more money. So we can empower pharmaceuticals, we can empower our industries, we can empower our factories. We can bring not only Adidas on shore, we can bring Foxconn to set up a factory in I think Minnesota, maybe three.
Trump: Wisconsin.
Yeah, Wisconsin. They have 4,000 jobs, people making $53,000 a year, and one of the things we've got to set is, Ford to have the highest design, the dopest cars, the most amazing -- I don't really say dope, I don't say negative words and try to flip them we just say positive, lovely, divine, universal words. So the flyest, freshest, most amazing car, and what we want to start with is -- I brought up, I brought a GIF with me right here.
[Opens his phone] This right here is the iPlane 1. It's a hydrogen-powered airplane. And this is what our president should be flying in. Look at this.
Trump: We'll get rid of Air Force One [laughs in the room]. Can we get rid of Air Force One? [Turns to group near him] No? You don't like that.
Well, we're going to have Apple, an American company work on this plane.
But you know what I don't like about -- it's not I don't like. What I need “Saturday Night Live” to improve on, or what I need the liberals to improve on, is if he don't look good [points to Trump], we don't look good. This is our president.
Trump: It's true.
He has to be the freshest, the flyest, the flyest planes, the best factories and we have to make our core be empowered. We have to bring jobs into America, because our best export is entertainment ideas, but when we make everything in China and not in America, then we're cheating on our country. And we're putting people in positions that have to do illegal things to end up in the cheapest factory ever, the prison system.
Trump: I’ll tell you what, that was pretty impressive. [Laughs in the room] I hate to say this -- Jim, you want to say something? What do you do after that?
True? Of course!
Si tres cuartas partes de los millones de personas que viven en Estados Unidos pensaran como Kaney West, entonces si que esta nación no hay quien la tumbe, lamentablemente hay muchos hipócritas que viven aquí, pero son enemigos de esta nación, incluyendo a la prensa, manipulada por los "grandes intereses" que no tienen patria, pero si una agenda de llevarnos a una guerra civil para luego culpar a los republicanos de la sangre derramada.
Para confirmar lo que dice el Sr. West, el medio La gran época nos informa...
Le están haciendo el juego al comunismo chino.
Sí, ellos se dedican a censurar, mentir, polarizar, dividir e insultar a un presidente republicano y sus seguidores, que el pueblo reconoce está con ellos y defiende su bienestar económico. Peor aún, están obligando a los republicanos a actuar en defensa propia y a terminar con el exceso de tolerancia a una izquierda que no aporta nada para el bienestar de la nación sino para sus grandes intereses, le abren la puerta al enemigo para que haga daño, con tal de que un presidente republicano quede mal.

Si tres cuartas partes de los millones de personas que viven en Estados Unidos pensaran como Kaney West, entonces si que esta nación no hay quien la tumbe, lamentablemente hay muchos hipócritas que viven aquí, pero son enemigos de esta nación, incluyendo a la prensa, manipulada por los "grandes intereses" que no tienen patria, pero si una agenda de llevarnos a una guerra civil para luego culpar a los republicanos de la sangre derramada.
Para confirmar lo que dice el Sr. West, el medio La gran época nos informa...
En el año 2000, el presidente Bill Clinton otorgó permanentemente el estatus de “nación más favorecida” a China, la cual se convirtió en miembro de la OMC un año después.
Desde entonces el déficit comercial de Estados Unidos con China se cuadruplicó, y de los 83.000 millones de dólares en elaño 2000 aumentó hasta los 375.000 millones de dólares del año pasado.
Debido al déficit comercial con China, se perdieron más de 3 millones de empleos entre 2001 y 2015, según el Instituto de Política Económica.
Trump advirtió que podría retirar a Estados Unidos de la OMC.
El nuevo orden comercial mundial de Trump tiene como objetivo aumentar la presión sobre ChinaPero hay más...
El ‘manual de instrucciones sobre comercio’ del Presidente requiere ‘'píldoras venenosas’ para aislar a Beijing
Por Emel Akan - La Gran Época11/10/2018
Tras las elecciones de 2016, la atención se centró en los intentos de Rusia de influir en el resultado. Sin embargo, de cara a las elecciones de medio término de 2018, China –no Rusia– parece ser la mayor amenaza de influencia extranjera.
“China está haciendo un esfuerzo sin precedentes para influir en la opinión estadounidense”, declaró el 10 de octubre la secretaria de Seguridad Nacional Kirstjen Nielsen en una audiencia del Senado sobre seguridad nacional, en respuesta a una pregunta sobre la integridad de las elecciones.
“Están trayendo todo lo que tienen. Están jugando a largo plazo. Están tratando de influirnos de todas las maneras posibles”.
El director del FBI, Christopher Wray, cuya agencia es responsable de abordar la influencia externa en las elecciones estadounidenses, hizo hincapié en la amenaza que plantea China.
“Creo que China representa la amenaza de inteligencia más amplia, más complicada y de más largo plazo a la que nos enfrentamos”, afirmó Wray a una comisión del Senado el 10 de octubre. “Afecta a todos los sectores de nuestra economía, a todos los estados del país y a todos los aspectos de lo que consideramos valioso”.
Ambos comentarios se hacen eco de la afirmación que el presidente Donald Trump hizo el mes pasado en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, cuando sorprendió a muchos al señalar a China por intentar interferir en las elecciones de mitad de período.
“Ellos [China] no quieren que ni nosotros ni yo ganemos, porque soy el primer presidente que desafía a China en materia de comercio”, remarcó Trump al Consejo de Seguridad.
China intenta ejercer una injerencia ‘sin precedentes’ en las elecciones de EE. UU.¿Se acabó el patriotismo y el respeto a quien piensa diferente en la narrativa de la prensa, de los dueños de redes sociales, los artistas y el Partido Demócrata?
Por Kristen Meriwether - La Gran Época - 12/10/2018
Le están haciendo el juego al comunismo chino.

Sí, ellos se dedican a censurar, mentir, polarizar, dividir e insultar a un presidente republicano y sus seguidores, que el pueblo reconoce está con ellos y defiende su bienestar económico. Peor aún, están obligando a los republicanos a actuar en defensa propia y a terminar con el exceso de tolerancia a una izquierda que no aporta nada para el bienestar de la nación sino para sus grandes intereses, le abren la puerta al enemigo para que haga daño, con tal de que un presidente republicano quede mal.
¿Quiénes son los héroes en esta narrativa de guerra civil que nos están obligando a pelear los enemigos y traidores de Estados Unidos?
Melania, Kanye y Trump.
Sigamos su ejemplo.
Such is Life!