“We ask Allah to make us follow their path. To give us a
complete understanding of the message of Islam, and the strength the live by
this knowledge, and to know what role we need to play to establish Islam in the
Brothers and sisters don’t be fooled by your desires, this
life is short and bitter and the opportunity to submit to allah may pass you
by. Take his word as your light and code and do not let other prisoners,
whether they are so called “Scholars” or even your family members, divert you
from the truth. If you make the
intention to follow allahs way 100 % and put your desires to the side, allah
will guide you to what is right.”
From the blog of Abdulazeez, the Chattanooga jihad murderer
Allah’s way 100%?
Noting that the attacks took place at military facilities,
Obama said that
“it is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individuals who
have served our country with great valor to be killed in this fashion.”
Obama calls Chattanooga Marine killing 'heartbreaking'
David Jackson, USA TODAY - July 16, 2015
¿En serio?
Incomprensibles las declaraciones del Presidente Barack
Obama, si fuera la primera vez, entendería su “inocencia”, pero lo que ocurrió
en Chattanooga es la enésima vez, no sólo en América, también en Africa y
y la pregunta lógica es ¿cuándo los demócratas van a dejar de ser
políticamente correctos, empezar a tener sentido común y darle credibilidad a
la realidad que se está viviendo con ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbolá y otros grupos
¿o es que son parte de la cofradía?
“Americans would then be put in a position of having to
decide whether to believe the president of the United States or a Twitter
account known to be associated with a radical Islamic terror group.”
BREAKING: The Chilling Message ISIS Tweeted Moments Before
Chattanooga Gunman Opened Fire
Según el portal de Jihad Watch el tweet fue enviado después
del atentado...
UPDATE: New reports say this was a Pacific timestamp, and that the Tweet came three hours after the attack. More updates when available.
Pero, independientemente de la hora del twit, el individuo que
cometió este ataque terrorista, porque eso es lo que es, dio pistas con pelos y
señales de lo que estaba pasando por su mente desde su “high school” y en su
blog, ¿y nadie se dio cuenta? Ni tan siquiera sus amistades más cercanas según
declaraciones en CNN anoche.
¿Sus padres no detectaron nada en su hijo o lo enseñaron a
ocultar sus verdaderas intenciones?
Según reportes, su padre fue investigado por terrorismo y a
la vez lo contrataron para trabajar como “special policeman”...
![]() |
¿vivían en una mansión mientras estadounidenses deambulan en las calles? |
Chattanooga jihad mass murderer’s father was under
investigation for ties to a foreign terrorist organization
on July 16, 2015
And yet the NY Times is reporting that his father was under investigation years ago as part of a foreign terrorist organization.
This speaks to how confused and clueless law enforcement is concerning the jihad threat. One the one hand, Abdulazeez’s father is appointed a “special policeman,” and on the other hand, he was under investigation for ties to a jihad terror organization. Obama’s prohibition on jihad and Islam from counter terror programs and materials is ridiculous and incoherent.
The gunman was not on the government’s radar, but law enforcement officials said that Mr. Abdulazeez’s father had been under investigation several years ago for possible ties to a foreign terrorist organization. At one point, a law enforcement official said that the father was on a terrorist watch list and was questioned while on a trip abroad but that he was eventually removed from the list. The official cautioned that the investigation of the father was old and did not generate any information on the son.
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/07/chattanooga-jihad-mass-murderers-father-was-under-investigation-for-ties-to-a-foreign-terrorist-organizatio.html/#sthash.w7deQbTt.dpuf
Y arrestan a mujeres de la familia
Esto es increíble... Los investigadores fallaron en no poner
en el radar a esta familia como alto riesgo para la seguridad nacional.
¿No es esto un escándalo de proporciones mayores para la
administración Obama?
¿De que sirve la nueva ley Liberty Act?
“That no one expressed concerns over Abdulazeez’s yearbook message is a testament to just how dangerous political correctness is.
Because of political correctness, no one expressed any concerns over what Abdulazeez wrote or what he was thinking when he wrote it.”
SHOCK: Here’s the Chilling Quote Chattanooga Shooter Used in His High School Yearbook
Chattanooga, Tennessee (CNN) A once devoted, disciplined
mixed martial arts fighter. A top student known for smarts, charm and humor. A
devout Muslim, who kept in touch with his roots in the Middle East.
Chattanooga jihad murderer attended Islamic Society of
Greater Chattanooga
Y la mezquita de Chatanooga
¿se canta “inocente”?
Otra vez la pregunta lógica es:
¿Se puede confíar en los
No. El islam es un peligro demasiado grave para occidente y los gobernantes se niegan a verlo porque obtienen beneficios económicos sin querer darse cuenta de que pronto no tendrán beneficios con el cuello cortado. Los comunistas que auparon al ayatola Jomeini en Irán tras derrocar al sha Palevi lo comprobaron personalmente con estupor. Demasiado tarde. Alguien sin cabeza ya no puede enmendar sus errores.
Conservemos la nuestra luchando contra el islam. Y contra nuestros gobiernos si es necesario porque es evidente que nos están vendiendo. Venden nuestras vidas.
La hipocresía y el salvajismo asesino del islam
Así mismo pienso yo. Nos están vendiendo por el poder y el
dinero. Lo peor de todo es que los demócratas están siendo engañados por un
gobierno que no quiere decir la verdad sobre la peligrosidad de una sociedad que
no nos quiere, punto.
Para ellos somos “infieles”, y su “libro sagrado” enseña que
no pueden compartir con nosotros, las escuelas musulmanas llamadas “madrazas”
les enseñan a odiarnos, esto no es difícil de entender. Según existen religiones
en occidente donde sus iglesias no recomiendan que compartan con otras
denominaciones religiosas, así tambien sucede con esta, peor aún, ellos mandan
a que nos maten sin importar si son cristianos, budistas, testigos de Jehová,
católicos o ateos.
Si los ateos y comunistas piensan que con ellos no es “la
cosa”, también están equivocados, en vez de estar atacando a los cristianos con
argumentos estúpidos deberían pensar que los yihadistas creen que sólo los que
creen en Mahoma y Alá tienen derecho a vivir. También tengo que incluír a los
homosexuales, no pierdan el tiempo atacando a cristianos que a los musulmanes
tampoco les gusta su comportamiento, y el castigo para los gays es la horca.
Me parece sumamente interesante la columna de Robert Spencer
sobre la manera de hablar del presidente Obama sobre este tema...
In PJ Media today I discuss a strange case of Barack Obama accidentally telling the truth.
Barack Obama, lauded for his allegedly spellbinding eloquence, sure makes a lot of verbal miscues: “57 states,” “my Muslim faith,” etc. If he were a conservative Republican, he would have long since been banished to the Dan Quayle Rest Home for Tongue-Tied Politicians.
Now he adds yet another to his Biden-worthy list: in his Pentagon address on the Islamic State (ISIS, or ISIL, as the president insists on calling the group) Obama boasted:
With the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces.
In a clumsy attempt to repair Obama’s slip, the transcript at White House.gov added the word “Iraqi” in brackets after “ISIL,” rendering the statement incoherent. And that was that, except for the lingering impression that Obama’s words had left. This particular presidential slip, judging by his policies, was more Freudian than most.
Because Obama was correct: his policies have resulted in the strengthening of ISIL forces by supplying them with much-needed weaponry.
estadunidenses poseer armas de asalto?
En el mercado negro se consiguen muy fácil.
¿Y los militares no pueden tener armas en las bases
y oficinas de reclutamiento?
¿Y los militares no pueden tener armas en las bases
y oficinas de reclutamiento?
We have given weapons to groups that the Pentagon has designated as “moderate,” groups such as the Free Syrian Army — which has collaborated with the Islamic State. The Obama administration’s avid yet fruitless search for “moderates” to fight the Islamic State resulted in the U.S. training and arming a great many jihadis now fighting for ISIS.
Last September, Obama said:
We have a Free Syrian Army and a moderate opposition that we have steadily been working with that we have vetted.
The New York Times explained that fighting the Islamic State was the particular goal Obama envisioned for these “moderates”:
Mr. Obama said he envisioned the Free Syrian Army’s providing the ground presence needed to confront ISIS in Syria.
Yet even at that time, the FSA was neither moderate nor a foe of the Islamic State.
Bassel Idriss, a Free Syrian Army commander, said in early September:
We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in … Qalamoun.
Perhaps aware his group is supposed to be full of “vetted moderates” who are ready to fight the Islamic State, not work with it, he added:
We have reached a point where we have to collaborate with anyone against unfairness and injustice.
This included the Islamic State, the primary enemy they were supposed to be fighting.
The evidence that our “vetted moderates” were actually aligned with the group the U.S. vetted them to oppose dates back even further. Jordan Schachtel reported at Breitbart in July 2014:
[S]everal factions within the Syrian opposition force known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have pledged services to the Islamic State, the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Sources and eyewitnesses said that the FSA has handed over its weapons to the Islamic State in large numbers.
Where did the Free Syrian Army get those weapons it turned over — in large numbers — to the Islamic State? From the United States, of course.
Where the Islamic State wasn’t given American materiel, it seized it. The Islamic State’s conquests include millions of dollars’ worth of American munitions and fighting equipment taken from the Iraqi Army.
When it conquered Mosul, the Islamic State is reported to have taken twenty-three hundred Humvees. At the fall of Ramadi, the capital of Anbar Province, in May 2015, the Pentagon admitted that Iraqi troops abandoned the following to the Islamic State:
[A] half-dozen tanks, a similar number of artillery pieces, a larger number of armoured personnel carriers and about 100 wheeled vehicles like Humvees.
Video of a Ramadi police station from an Islamic State jihadi showed:
… box after box of American mortar shells and bullets that appeared shiny and new. Several Humvees, apparently not long out of the packing crates, sat abandoned nearby. “This is how we get our weapons … The Iraqi officials beg the Americans for weapons, and then they leave them here for us.”…
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/robert-spencer-in-pj-media-obamas-freudian-slip-was-true¿Qué les parece?
Sleeping with the enemy?
Sorry! Pero no existen casualidades.
Such is Life!